Benefits of Organic Dog Treats

2021-08-20 | Feeding recommendations

Almost everyone has heard about the health benefits, and nutritional value, of eating organic. Many people have started incorporating organic food into their daily diet, some choosing to only eat organic. Organic food is not only good for people; it’s also a great addition to your dog’s diet. One easy way to incorporate organic food into your dog’s daily routine is to start with the thing every dog loves the most…treats! Organic dog treats are widely available and can be found at most pet food stores. Some dog owners choose to make their own treats, as many organic treats for dogs contain simple ingredients found in most kitchens. Whether you choose to buy organic dog treats or make your own, your dog will benefit from eating organic.

Weight control is a major benefit of feeding your dog organic treats. Keeping your dog’s weight in check is an important part of your dog’s health. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, overweight pets can be afflicted by type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, decreased life expectancy, and more

While overfeeding can lead to weight gain in dogs, bad ingredients in food and treats also affects their weight. Owners love to reward good dogs with treats, but many of the treats available are full of harmful ingredients. An article for WebMD Pet Health, by Katherine Kam, sums up the danger of mainstream dog treats: “Even a single, high-calorie treat — such as packaged beef, bacon, or cheese snacks — can fill as much as one-fifth to one-fourth of a small dog’s daily calorie needs.

Most dog owners don’t give Fido one treat at a time…

By giving your dog organic treats, you can cut out artificial ingredients, fats, and preservatives, all of which are harmful additives that cause weight gain. “Dog Nutrition: A to Z,” an article for, breaks down the nutritional benefits of organic dog treats: “Organic foods often use human-grade protein sources and generally have fewer fillers (corn and wheat and their by-products) and no synthetic preservatives, pesticides, food coloring, or other additives. They typically contain whole grains instead of bulk fillers, which aid in weight control and digestive health

Organic dog treats offer real, natural, ingredients for your favorite furry friend, helping them stay fit and healthy.

Besides helping to keep your dog’s weight in check, organic dog treats are also packed with nutrients that aid in skin and coat health. Dogs can be affected by allergies, just like humans. Many of the allergies dogs experience are related to food and can be prevented through an organic diet. An article on organic dog diets, for Pet Health & Care, discusses food-related allergies: “Many commercial dog foods consist of preservatives and other additives which may be triggering the allergies.”

Whether you choose to buy organic dog treats or make your own, your dog will benefit from eating organic.

Avoid filling your dog’s tummy with treats full of additives and other unnatural ingredients. Organic dog treats help eliminate the risk of allergies and leave your dog’s skin and coat in great condition.

Finally, a healthy, nutritious diet will keep your dog active and energetic. Organic dog treats provide quality ingredients and leave out the fillers, giving your dog the energy it needs to perform at its best. Pet Mart USA’s article, “The Benefits of Natural Organic Dog Food” explains: “Natural Organic Dog Food contains healthy components including amino acids, enzymes, and minerals. These nutrition-filled elements are easily digestible and help your dog’s body function properly for maximum health, comfort, and happiness.

Fueling your dog with organic treats will keep your dog going at its healthiest and most energetic level.

By feeding your dog organically, you not only increase your dog’s quality of life, you also increase the quality of life you have with your dog. From a healthy weight to a healthy coat, your dog will benefit when you reward it with a delicious organic dog treat.

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